Thursday, August 29, 2013

Graphics and Alfredo

So today was a day of creativity.
Sometimes you need a break from the apartment cleaning and the job hunting and the more serious responsibilities of life. That was what today was for.
And what exactly is involved in a day of creativity for Misa? Buddy and Bootsie would sure like to know...

It started out with a revamp of the blog layout and the making of a new banner. Like it? I'm rather pleased. I'm still working on adding a few more buttons and fancy things, so it's not quite done yet.

But after finishing the banner I was still in a graphic design mood, so I killed a bit of time by putting together this little image:

The quote was just something that I had stumbled upon online, and the image was one that I took myself while in Paris. Recognize it? 
Some of the textures used however were not my own. The credit for them is here, on my DeviantArt account.

Then I had a dinner night with the ever wonderful Alex. I supplied the materials for a blueberry apple pie, and she brought fixings for chicken alfredo.
First up, pie:

Then while that deliciousness was cooking (and making the apartment smell amazing), we started prepping the actual dinner. And in the meantime, as Alex was busy cutting chopping up chicken, I was busy convincing Buddy not to make a bed of my purse and clothing.

She didn't seem terribly phased by me.
Finally, once the cats were herded back to their proper locales, the food was finished cooking. What perfect timing.

 Of course, the pasta and salad supper was quite appropriately followed by some pie and a large bottle of wine (which Alex had gotten me as a graduation gift, but we had not had a chance to enjoy it together until now).
Pro note: when proper wine glasses can not be found, be even more classy and serve wine in pint glasses.

 Finally, round off the evening with stories, youtube videos, and a semi silly attempt at trying to take fancy photos with the aid of a vase of flowers in the kitchen:

Day complete!

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