Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Willkommen in Schweinfurt!

Hello there! So not only do I have two days to type about in one post, but I am also writing this from Germany! Double bonus!

Yesterday (two days ago?) found me running out the front door trying to catch a bus which never even showed up. Regardless, I made it to the airport with time to spare, met up with my mom and about 12 hours later we were touching down in Amsterdam. From there it was straight on a train and after four transfers we made it to Schweinfurt, Germany.

Schweinfurt is a small town that my parents used to live near, back in the day before I was even born. My mom´s old friend still lives there and picked us up from the train station. The rest of the evening was devoted to chatting and dinner before going to bed in hopes of getting over the jet lag.
The next morning began with breakfast fresh from the bakery and a bit of playtime with this little guy:
We decided on a bike ride into town to see a bit of the sights and the countryside.

The sunshine was unexpected but we made it into town just before the worst of the heat hit.

With it being so hot out, we were forced to first find some ice cream, then an air conditioned store for some water, and finally a cool place to settle down and eat lunch. And I mean "cool" in both senses of the word:

With it being much too hot to even concieve of biking back to the house, we managed to get a ride back and spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around and snacking on hand picked strawberries and cherries. Now I am being lured off with promises of a bbq dinner. And I must start getting ready for tomorrow: Munich!

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